This project was originally conceived as three paintings of the same site, one every ten years, based on photographic information collected at random intervals over that time period. This is a work in progress, and some elements of the process are shown here. One of the final paintings is complete, and the other two are in various stages involving accumulating photographic sources and drawings of the location. Shown here is a brief overview of some of the stages, starting with the finished painting and moving back in time.
Myakka Fork 1, oil on 24 wood panels, 96" x 144", © Jake Fernandez 2024
Details from Myakka Fork
The above are selected details of the finished painting shown at the top of this page. It is painted on wood panels with shallow bas-relief wood elements.
Myakka Fork 2, conte crayon and graphite on paper, 26.5" x 42", ©Jake Fernandez 2013
Color Study for Myakka Fork
Myakka Fork, Prismacolor pencil on paper, ©Jake Fernandez 2013
The Crowley Preserve is located in Sarasota County, Florida. Flowing through it is the Myakka River, which is designated to be a Wild and Scenic River by the Florida Legislature.
The river courses through a narrow, serpentine channel, bordered by Spanish moss-laden live oaks and sabal palm trees.
The river courses through a narrow, serpentine channel, bordered by Spanish moss-laden live oaks and sabal palm trees.
Installations of Myakka Fork
Myakka Fork 2, oil on 64 wood panels, 88" x 154", ©Jake Fernandez 2020
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No portion of the artist's works or statements may be used, downloaded, reproduced using any means, copied, linked to, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist.
Artist copyright: All works of art within this website are protected under U.S. copyright laws and international conventions.
No portion of the artist's works or statements may be used, downloaded, reproduced using any means, copied, linked to, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist.